Planning for pregnancy

Find out if you're pregnant, get early access to maternity services, and breastfeeding help and support.

Find out if you’re pregnant

If you are not sure whether you are pregnant or not you can access free pregnancy testing in Haringey, or buy pregnancy tests from many pharmacies and supermarkets.

Free pregnancy testing:

The clinics will also be able to support you if you are unhappy about being pregnant and will discuss your options with you.

Get early access to maternity services

As soon as you think you are pregnant, you should make an appointment to see your midwife or GP. The earlier you do this, the better. You can self-refer directly to a midwife by ringing your local antenatal clinic or by visiting the hospital website and filling in the self-referral form.

Breastfeeding help and support

It’s never too early to start thinking about how you are going to feed your baby. Breastfeeding gives your baby the best possible start in life as it has lots of benefits for both you and your baby that last a lifetime.

Don’t be afraid to ask for the support and information you need to make breastfeeding work for you and your baby. No problem is too small. While breastfeeding is the best way to feed your child, fantastic support and advice is available for you whatever feeding method you decide to use.

You can get help from a peer supporter, your midwife or health visitor. You might also want to join a local breastfeeding group.

The Haringey Infant Feeding Peer Support Service provides free, non-judgemental, evidence based baby feeding information to all Haringey families, can help with breastfeeding, expressing, bottle feeding, weaning from the breast and introducing solids and support babies, toddlers, and small children.

To find out what else is available in your area, talk to your midwife or health visitor, or contact the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.

Further Information is available from various sources (see the links below). The Breastfeeding Network runs a Supporter line on 0300 100 0210, and also offers a helpline for speakers of Bengali/Sylheti on 0300 456 2421.

The following voluntary organisations can also provide information and advice: