Learning Households

What makes a good learning household beneficial for children and young people?

  • Together - everyone in household is learning, eg reading together or independently, studying or on a course. Ideas: Ask them to show you how to use the internet, use the football results or a trip to the shops to discuss numbers and words. Talk about what is in the papers or on the TV or radio. Adult learning opportunities
  • Communication - speak and listen to each other. Find out about their day. What happened? Share everyday activities. Ask them what they know and chat about their views. Help them to develop their ideas. Communication Trust website (external link)
  • Concentration - valuing the need to focus, to not be distracted. Supporting your child or young person to know how they can study and work best. Eating a good diet - brain food (external link)
  • Organisation - provide a space to learn, having some routines and being prepared. Regularly check the school diary or reading bag, help them with their homework. Have they got the right equipment and books before going to school? Check that their homework is done. Involve them in planning a family event, journey or holiday.

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Page last updated:

March 14, 2022